September 26 marked a special event for Makati Hope Christian School as the whole community celebrated the Teacher’s Day with the theme Reminisce, Relax and Unwind coined by this school year’s Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) officers.
While the teachers were relaxing at the 4th floor multipurpose hall, the students were busy preparing for the booths that they were about to enjoy at the fifth floor.
We can’t help but notice the smiles painted on their faces as they await all the surprises and games.
They were grouped as each enter booths. These booths, conceptualized by the students, consist of different activities such as karaoke, Pinoy Henyo, cookie decorating, and even designing tote bags!
The classroom of Grade 8 Samuel held a booth called “TOTEally yours.”
In this booth, teachers were able to design their own tote bag using the different materials provided such as Sharpies, stencils, needle, thread, and beads.
The “Dough It Yourself” booth in Grade 8 Gideon classroom allowed the teachers to design their own cookies with coatings like melted chocolate chips, white and brown powdered sugar. They have an option to add sprinkles as toppings. The cookies made were placed in plastic containers.
The room of Grade 9 Josiah held the memorization game called “Bon Voyage”. The game is a road trip wherein each player enumerates what others would bring and the next player would repeat the item mentioned and say their own. The person who fails to repeat the items mentioned will be removed from the play. The game ends when two people get it wrong.
Hosted in the room of Grade 9 Jotham is “Say Yes To The Dress”, a booth for fashion show. Teachers were grouped into two teams. The first member from each team must wear three pieces of clothing displayed atop a black table then passes it to the next teammate. The next person should run towards the black table, remove what accessory or clothing was worn earlier and wear three new ones. If any of the clothing or accessory falls, then each player must go back to the starting line. The fastest group wins.
In the room of Grade 10 Amaziah was a booth called “Shop ‘Til You Drop”. It’s a photo booth prepared by the students for the teachers to take pictures to remember the events.
On the other hand, the room of Grade 10 Uzziah housed the booth called “Dance The Night Away”. The teachers were to play the game of musical chairs.
The room of Grade 11 Jehoshaphat held the booth named “Chubby Bunny” wherein teachers placed marshmallows in their mouth and tried to say a tongue twister or sing some songs.
The room of Grade 11 Hezekiah was turned into a karaoke room and at the same time a lounge room.
Another booth was the Giant Snakes and Ladders which was located at Chinese Contemporary 2. The teachers played the game of snakes and ladders but the catch is that it is a giant version of this board game.
Situated at the Chinese Contemporary 3 room, the booth “Who am I?” was a Pinoy Henyo wherein a teacher would be guessing the word behind him/her by asking questions answerable by yes or no to his or her fellow teachers.
The rooms of Grade 12 Revelation and Grade 12 Hebrews were used as holding areas for students who were not in charge of the booths or a student-teacher to the lower levels.
Throughout my experience, or perhaps my observation, I saw students exert a great amount of effort for this part of the event. They even looked for students that can speak fluent Chinese to be a student guide for the Chinese teachers. However, all that work paid off as the teachers had fun being entertained by the students.
We interviewed three teachers to get some insight on what they think about the event.
“I observed that the teachers are enjoying especially with the prizes,” said Ms. Hannah Bautista, an English teacher. “I appreciate the students’ effort in making this event.”
Bautista said that she had fun in the booths and cited that her favorite was the Pinoy Henyo because it had many categories including like proper noun and common noun.
According to Ms. Charisma Cruz, an ECD teacher, her favorite activity was the human-sized Snakes and Ladder.
Mr. Daniel Sotomil said that the event was very exciting and a stress reliever. His favorite booth was Pinoy Henyo, which he explained that divulged his critical thinking to guess the word without hesitation in expressing his feelings in front of the students.
These responses from teachers prove that the Student Council and other students involved have exerted effort that paid off with the teacher’s satisfaction.
Aside from the fun games, the PTA had also prepared booths for the teachers that catered food and drinks and services like manicure and face massage.
Every teacher has expressed gratitude to the PTA and the Student Council for the honor and appreciation that they have prepared for all the MHCS personnel.
Story by Patreece Tan and Jazlyn Ong