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  • Writer's pictureCandle Pen

Hope Within Despair

Zero out of fifty,

Grades really dropping quickly.

What am I going to do now?

I’ve tried everything and nothing works somehow.

I’m trying my best to do this,

Yet it doesn’t seem like I’m falling into an abyss,

I wish things were like before

When I was great and not insecure.

When I was hopeless and lost,

Can’t think of what made me happy the most.

Then, I thought to myself and said,

“What was the thing that made my feelings so widespread?”

Then I remembered, in the cold days of December

When people were giving gifts under the snowy weather

It was the joy, and happiness

That gave me a sense of relief and tenderness.

“I love you,” was all she stated

Before she left to the city where she waited

Patiently and thinking about her family

About her family’s health and safety.

This year was the seventh Christmas that she wasn’t around,

I waited steadily at the door, but mom wasn’t there.

Then, I left the door, only to hear a knocking sound

Mother was here, as I hugged her in despair.

This may be only a story

But it tells more than just about glory

It’s about life and sacrifice

To the ones who made us survive by rolling the dice.

Literature by John Yu

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