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Giving Back to the Less Fortunate this Yuletide

Writer's picture: Candle PenCandle Pen

Updated: Nov 2, 2024

As cliché as it may sound, Christmas should be all about giving. Christmas is the most awaited and exciting time of the year. It brings families and friends ­t­ogether and it’s a time to show how much we ­appreciate and love each other.

However, let us not forget that despite all this, there are countless people who are not as fortunate as us during the Christmas time.

So to share our Christmas cheer, we should make it a point to reach out to the less fortunate and help spread some joy into their hearts too.

Here are 3 ways that we could give back to the less fortunate:

1. Don’t hesitate to give!

In the Philippines, it is very common to see children or even adults roaming around the streets begging and ­asking for some small change. We often just ignore this and continue to drive past them.

However, this Christmas season could be the perfect time for us to spread the Christmas spirit and give them toys, food, or small change. I’m sure whatever you give them it’ll surely bring joy to their hearts and it would really mean a lot to them.

It will make them feel loved and cared for and warm their hearts which is what Christmas is all about!

2. Donate to charity

Donating to charity especially to those who help the less fortunate will change lives. Simply donating your old clothes that you can’t fit anymore, old books that you don’t use, or even cash will certainly help the less fortunate.

UNICEF, for example, which says that for every P600 it would keep seven kids in school. It wouldn’t hurt for us to take some time and consider donating to charity especially during the Christmas time because its the season for charitable giving.

It’s a time where we should think about giving to those who have less!

3. Volunteer!

Volunteering in charities or organizations would be greatly appreciated by them because of the time of the year. We should take one day of our week to just show that we are here to help and support these organizations or charity, be it for the elderlies, sickly children, or many more!

It would make the lives of people easier this Christmas and also it would spread the love to those around us. Your time really is the most precious gift that you can give.

Christmas should really be a time to appreciate everyone around us and give back to those who have less. It will not only bring joy and happiness to them but it will also warm our hearts seeing how happy we have made them by doing these.

So this season, we should always keep in mind that there are countless people out there who need our help and who will not be able to experience as much joy as us.

Story by Ryanne Chua


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