COVID-19 has been a turbulent moment for all of mankind in the 21st century. Who would’ve known that something as minute as a mutation in the cholesterol profile of a bat virus can make it a monstrous thing that can kill mankind, attacking one country at a time.
However, despite facts that have been spread by authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and governments of different countries, the panic caused by the pandemic fueled more belief into conspiracies and blame. But really, who stands the perpetrator and the victim?
In the Philippine setting, government blame has been rampant and disbelief of the media has been on the rise. Ranging from the allegations against Senator Migz Zubiri’s being positive to COVID-19 to the virus existing long before its actual commencement leading to the accusation of global leaders causing a shakedown. Really, how do these things better the scenario?
Panicking and distrust just causes things to become hazier. First, there is already a lot of tension for the medical community to attend to patients, create vaccines, and formulate cures that come along with this virus. Isn’t that what should be the first priority right now, and as a predominantly Catholic country, something we should pray for?
To add unnecessary pollution, “intellectual” confusion, just makes it very ironic because in the first place, information comes in to empower and enhance people’s lives not make people unnecessarily vulnerable.
From another point of view, the government has been placed in so much public scrutiny. People complaining left and right whether the actions are ideal and whatnot. All those concerns deserve merit, however, it will and should have its day and that day is not simultaneous to the actual crisis itself.
It is understandable that there might be overstep after declaring Code Red Sublevel 2 and the Enhanced Community Quarantine, however spreading conspiracies that make it appear as a foundation for Martial Law just doesn’t make the cut and is morally apprehensive. Why spread distrust on the command center when it is the only institution that has hold of all the information happening.
Now, it is not about sucking about to the government, but during a crisis scenario, what you first want to happen is follow the authorities, because in the genetic realm the virus is shaky and continues to evolve. With that, the genetic realm shouldn’t translate into humankind because that’s just complete havoc.
Now for scrutiny, that can happen after this dark phase of the country wherein COVID-19 continue to prevail as the victor, headline after headline. Senator Pangilinan was one of the first to point this out during a press release, that different branches of the government will have to investigate any overstep or shortcoming of the executive branch during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As for this time, let us ask ourselves whether it is worthy to cause a shakedown within humanity or is it a better priority to win over the virus first? Remember, sounding true is not synonymous to something actually being true, so think before you click.