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Celebrating Christmas with the Wage Family

Wrapped in jackets after waking up in the cold breeze of December, the kids sit in front of a Christmas tree, ready to unwrap their gifts from daddy and mommy. Giggles are heard all over the house; laughters echo through the walls as the family share the most important blessing of all – love for one another.

This is how the family of MHCS alumna Sarah and her husband Michael Aldrich Wage celebrates the Christmas season.

According to the couple, the celebration begins in their ­f­amily when the “Baby at the Manger” is already placed at the center of their home. “Our ­family ­celebrates Christmas via embracing the renowned traditions that puts ‘the Baby at the manger’ at the center.”

Sharing a joke, Sarah said, “For us, the very first ­trickle that marks the beginning of Christmas is the composition of Christmas speeches! You know it is already Christmas when the list of Christmas speeches, formal and informal, start piling up, and oh boy the deadline looms near. Thus comes forth the strategy of recycling speeches from many years ago and composition of speeches with hopefully brilliant new ideas.”

Within their family, the ­couple ensures that the true meaning of the celebration is high­lighted by playing songs in their house that ­focuses on Christ. “It grieves our hearts that today, the need to remind the ‘True Meaning of Christmas’ is a battle cry, especially with the onset of Santa Claus and gift giving taking center stage,” Mr. and Mrs. Wage explained. “As early as September, we ensure to play Christmas songs that highlight Christ, following the timing of many ‘malls’ in our country, at our home.”

But why are Christmas songs played early in their household?

“Because the Christmas songs are beautiful! Our children’s favorites are “Away in a Manger” and “Silent Night.” Once in a while we allow “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” to enter the picture because it’s our kids’ favorite too, as long as they know Christmas is Jesus’ birthday.”

They also shared that as part of their family tradition, donations to the home for the elderly are organized as their way and opportunity to share Christ to other people.

Aside from this, small Christmas tree and a parol, given to them as gifts by their Lolo and Lola showcasing the “Star” that led the wise men to Jesus, are put up.

“We also collect gifts and put them under the Christmas tree and open them on Christmas day. Sometimes though, the gifts of the kids are magically opened before Christmas, due to mysterious powers that happen when no one was looking,” Mike and Sarah shared with smiles on their faces.

After the Noche Buena with family, the most exciting part of their celebration is the ­morning of Christmas where family members exchange gifts to each other.

“Our most anticipated meaningful moment each year is that sweet Christmas morning when our family members get together and share their love for one another through giving each other their Christmas gifts. Beyond presents, we highlight Christmas as His Presence. Young as our kids are, we ask them what they want to give Jesus this Christmas, because it is His birthday.”

Their family also makes sure that their unity in love for Jesus is highlighted. “Our ­favorite Christmas memory is that touching moment every Christmas morning where we set a time to exchange gifts as a ­f­amily. Pictures are taken, laughers are shared and most importantly love is given. It highlights the unity of the family and our unity in love for Jesus, and His journey from the crib to the cross.”

During Christmas, ­different meals are prepared that ­every family shares and enjoys ­together. For the Wage household, the world-renowned ham and embotido take the center of their table. “Every Christmas, Lola prepares her Christmas Ham and Embotido that are the stars of the Christmas Table. Aside from its super good taste, it’s her labor of love. We also have Kris Aquino’s, este, Lola’s Macaroni Salad, with fruit version and no fruit version!”

When asked on the true spirit of Christmas, the couple said “That the God of the universe entered the world, walked on our very soil, died painfully on the cross, and rose again, for us to be given a chance to be with Him forever.”

Since Christmas is a season of giving, the Wage family makes sure to remind people that Jesus is the cause of this celebration.

“In our office, we do not pronounce Merry Christmas traditionally. Instead, we say Merry ‘CHRIST’mas, pronouncing the ‘Christ’ in Christ-mas as Jesus ‘Christ’. We practice this as the true pronunciation of the greeting. We also organize various donations to different Home for the Aged institutions, as this is our burden to help our senior citizens know Christ and feel His love. Lastly, we remind each member of the family that since Christmas is Jesus’ Birthday, we ought to give Jesus a gift. We challenge them to think and to pray about what gift to give to Jesus.”

The Wage ­family, as a Christian household, practices the “walk your talk” modeling in disciplining their children. “Our kids follow us when they see us do it. We also ensure that their love tank is always filled, so that when they are disciplined through ­s­panking, they will never question our love for them. Lastly, one effective method personally for our family is rewards. When they follow or obey, we are quick to praise and express approval either through words, hugs, kisses or sometimes gifts.”

As the parents and leaders of their home, they make sure that each child is equipped with the necessary Christian values that are needed in their growth and development.

“Christ and the values He teaches us is something we talk about at home on a daily basis. Whenever we eat together, play together or do activities ­t­ogether, He is part of our daily life. We also ensure to allot at least 3 times a week to teach Bible Stories and do bible activities to instill the lessons taught in the Bible. Whenever we watch TV together, we make sure that the last video we watch is a Bible story. This way they grow up familiar with the Bible characters, their lives and what they did that pleased Jesus.”

Story by Patrick Gabriel Lo

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