In a peaceful evening twilight
Marry slept, tucked in tight
Tired from day’s hard weight
She dozed soundlessly before the clock strikes eight
But through the midst of the deep night
An angel came dressed in white
Sternly he called marry with might
And told her a savior were to be born under a humble light
And that was how the story begins to unfold
A story of a child that will save us from sin’s hold
The origin story of Christmas that will never be too old
His name Jesus Christ the begotten son of God, his glory to behold
Under a bright evening star
A savior was born from afar
With joy, the angels sing
That made mankind’s heart ring
With the sent angel shining brightly
It made the shepherds look attentively
Its blinding light was hard to resist
Heavenly message from above outshined any other glist
They set foot on their adventure
Hearts filled with pure pleasure
With obedience, they both came sure
To follow the star and to seek the greatest treasure
Three men stood tall
Kings were them all
From far and wide they traveled
To the north star, they came with their camels saddled
Just like how the shepherds came
The three wise men did the same
Gifts fit for a king is what they gave
It is true that the proclamation has now been made
And in a quiet manger
They all gathered together
With everyone giving praise more than a measure
That made that night a true gold of pleasure
This is what Christmas miracle is all about
And I'm sure this is never a doubt
His birth to the world was the real sprout
The true reason why our sins are cleared out
Literature by Faith Ongaria